4 Ways to Identify Mosquito Breeding Grounds in Your Yard

April 24, 2024

As the warmer months approach, many of us are looking forward to spending more time outdoors in our yards. However, one pesky problem that can quickly dampen outdoor enjoyment is the presence of mosquitos. These annoying insects not only leave itchy bites but can also carry diseases. To help you combat this issue, Wagner Pest Solutions has put together a complete guide to identifying mosquito breeding grounds in your yard so you can take proactive steps to eliminate them.

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3 Areas Mosquitos Lay Eggs After It Rains

August 16, 2021

Do you ever ask yourself why the mosquitos in your yard seem so much worse after it rains? If so, you’re not alone. It’s not uncommon for homeowners to notice more biting activity or an influx in swarms after it rains, which is why they call Wagner Pest Solutions. With the temperatures just right and the added moisture in the air, mosquitos become more active, looking for their next meal. Unfortunately, that often means you or your pets. But you could be playing an active role in the mosquito population and not even know it. So today, we are letting you in on three common areas mosquitos will lay eggs after it rains.

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Why Are Mosquitos Bad After It Rains?

August 2, 2021

Mosquitos thrive during the summer months, and it always seems like they’re worse after it rains. But why? This is a common question we get here at Wagner Pest Solutions. Homeowners often call us after storms, annoyed that their lawns seem to be taken over by these blood-thirsty insects, and they beg us for a solution. Thankfully, we’ve got just what you need to get rid of these pests. Additionally, here is why these pests are so bad after it rains.

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