5 Sanitation Mistakes Businesses Make

September 12, 2024

Maintaining a clean and sanitary environment is crucial for any business, especially in Arizona, where pests can easily become problematic. From restaurants to office buildings, proper sanitation practices are essential for the health and safety of employees and customers alike. Below, Wagner Pest Solutions outlines the top five sanitation mistakes businesses often make and provides tips on how to avoid them. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your commercial space remains clean, pest-free, and welcoming for all who enter.

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Are Rodents Destroying Your Commercial Property?

January 12, 2024

Rodents can be a big problem for commercial property owners. They’re not only annoying but can also cause damage to your building and pose a health risk to you and your tenants. Rodents have sharp teeth and can gnaw through virtually anything. So, we have to wonder: Are rodents destroying your commercial property? Wagner Pest Solutions can find out!

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3 Ways Sanitation Prevents Pests

February 15, 2023

For Arizona business owners, pests such as rodents, cockroaches, and ants can be a major source of worry. Not only are they unpleasant to have around, but they can also cause costly damage to property and equipment. Fortunately, there is one effective way to prevent pests from entering your business premises: sanitation from Wager Pest Solutions. Let’s take a closer look at three ways our sanitation service prevents pests in your business.

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Pest Control vs. Animal Control: What’s the Difference?

November 9, 2022

Do you know the difference between pest control and animal control? Most people don’t because the two terms are often used interchangeably. However, there is a big difference between the two services. In this blog post, Wagner Pest Solutions will discuss the differences between them and provide tips for choosing the right services for your needs.

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How Does Electrostatic Sanitation Work?

June 13, 2022

Keeping your business clean and free from pathogens is now top of mind for many customer service managers. It’s vital your customers, vendors, and delivery personnel have a positive experience in your building, which includes not picking up any unwanted germs. That’s why Wagner Pest Solutions is proud to offer the best sanitation services, including electrostatic sanitation. Let us explain further how this process works and why your business needs it.

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4 Types of Diseases Pigeons Carry

January 1, 2022

Pigeons and other birds aren’t just pests because of their overpopulation. They’re also pests because of the diseases they carry. Unfortunately, these diseases can affect humans, so bird control around your home or business is crucial. Therefore, if you have a flock of pigeons lingering around, don’t wait! Instead, give Wagner Pest Solutions a call.

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Why Choose Wagner Pest Solutions

December 3, 2021

Finding reliable and professional pest control isn’t always as easy as you might think. There are plenty of businesses out there that promise great results, but very few come through. Lucky for you, Wagner Pest Solutions is the area’s number one source for innovative and technological pest control solutions. But, if you’re still not sure why you should choose us, let us explain further!

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3 Ways Pests Impact Employees

October 15, 2021

A clean and sanitary office space is essential to the health and productivity of your employees. You’ve invested a lot of time and money to recruit, hire, and train the right people, but is it enough? If your business is riddled with pests, employees are going to be the first to notice. Not only do pests- like rodents, cockroaches, and mosquitos- carry diseases, but they’re also annoying. If you’re still not convinced you should call Wagner Pest Solutions for pest control, then here are three other ways pests impact employees.

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4 Reasons Your Restaurant Needs Pest Control

June 15, 2021

You’ve put your heart and soul into building your restaurant and reputation in the community. So, why would you risk throwing that all away by skipping commercial pest extermination from Wagner Pest Solutions? Pests in your restaurant not only spell disaster for your establishment but can also ruin your reputation as a clean, reliable place to eat. That’s why we’ve put together a list of good reasons your restaurant needs our pest control services.

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