3 Common Allergic Reactions to Mosquito Bites

July 26, 2024

As the summer heat intensifies in Arizona, residents are all too familiar with the nuisances that come with it—particularly mosquito bites. While these bites can be irritating for most, they can also lead to severe allergic reactions. Understanding the common allergic responses to mosquito bites is crucial during this sizzling season. Here at Wagner Pest Solutions, we help you control mosquitos, which can help mitigate these three common allergic reactions.

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How to Handle a Fire Ant Colony in 3 Steps

July 12, 2024

Dealing with fire ants around your property in Arizona can be a real nuisance. These aggressive insects can deliver painful stings, especially when their colony is disturbed. However, with the right approach and techniques, you can effectively manage and control a fire ant infestation on your property. But if you’re ever uncertain, call Wagner Pest Solutions for complete ant control.

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3 Benefits of Spiders in Your Garden

June 23, 2024

When it comes to gardening, many homeowners in Arizona may be quick to grab a can of insecticide at the sight of a spider. However, before you squash these eight-legged creatures, it’s important to consider the benefits that spiders can bring to your garden. While we understand you don’t want them in your home (because who does?), Wagner Pest Solutions explains three benefits of spiders in your garden.

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Seasonal Gopher Activity: When to Be on High Alert

June 9, 2024

As an Arizona homeowner, it’s important to know our area’s seasonal patterns of gopher activity. These pesky rodents can wreak havoc on your lawn and garden, causing damage that can be both unsightly and costly to repair. The team here at Wagner Pest Solutions knows when gophers are most active throughout the year. So, we’re here to provide you with tips on spotting the signs of gopher activity.

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3 Reasons You Should Pigeon-Proof Your Solar Panels

May 15, 2024

If you’re invested in solar panels for your home, you know the many benefits of harnessing the sun’s power to generate clean energy. However, one common issue that can arise is pigeons nesting under or around your solar panels. Not only can this be unsightly and noisy, but it can also damage your panels and decrease their efficiency. Thankfully, Wagner Pest Solutions is here to help protect your investment and pigeon-proof your solar panels.

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Exploring the Natural Predators of Mosquitos

May 1, 2024

As Arizona residents, we are all too familiar with the pesky presence of mosquitos during the warmer months. Their itchy bites can quickly dampen outdoor activities and make enjoying our backyard spaces a challenge. While many of us may turn to chemical sprays and citronella candles to keep these blood-sucking pests at bay, have you ever stopped to wonder if there are natural predators that can help control the mosquito population? Wagner Pest Solutions discloses some of the natural predators of mosquitos in our state.

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4 Ways to Identify Mosquito Breeding Grounds in Your Yard

April 24, 2024

As the warmer months approach, many of us are looking forward to spending more time outdoors in our yards. However, one pesky problem that can quickly dampen outdoor enjoyment is the presence of mosquitos. These annoying insects not only leave itchy bites but can also carry diseases. To help you combat this issue, Wagner Pest Solutions has put together a complete guide to identifying mosquito breeding grounds in your yard so you can take proactive steps to eliminate them.

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4 Tips for Keeping Mosquitos Out of Your Home

April 10, 2024

Mosquitos can be a nuisance, especially when they start entering your home. Not only are they annoying with their buzzing and biting, but they can also carry diseases. If you’re looking for ways to keep mosquitos out of your home, look no further. Wagner Pest Solutions discusses four effective tips to help prevent these pesky insects from invading your living space.

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3 Common Types of House Ants in Arizona

March 27, 2024

Living in Arizona comes with its own set of challenges when it comes to pests, especially ants. Ant infestations can be annoying and difficult to deal with, but knowing which type of ant you’re dealing with can make a big difference in how you approach getting rid of them. If you’ve got an ant problem, Wagner Pest Solutions can help you identify them. Here are the three most common types of house ants found in Arizona.

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4 Must-Do Spring Cleaning Chores

March 13, 2024

As the weather starts warming up in Arizona, it’s the perfect time to tackle some spring cleaning chores to freshen up your home and eliminate pests. From dusting off those winter cobwebs to getting rid of germs lingering all season, a few key chores should be at the top of your list. And Wagner Pest Solutions is here to help you prepare your home for the new season.

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